C4D Building Generator2.0 (Version 2023-R2024) UPDATE!
The Cinema 4D Building Generator creates randomly generated buildings in various sizes and shapes. You can quickly apply your own facades, elements, and shaders, and add new shapes to the collection using splines. In comparison to version 1.0, buildings are now generated randomly from a pool of splines and do not need to be manually constructed.
Additionally, windows are no longer represented flat as textures but convey more depth through the use of 3D lights and foreground and background textures.
The package includes various facades, over 150 advertising banners, trees and bushes, rooftop elements, and columns and much more.
(min. requirements Cinema 4D 2023-2024)
It works with any render engine. (Octane/Standard/Redshift)
How to use:
Over 150 different ads and signs in one texture.
Feature List:
• 3x C4D files (1x Standard Render shader + 1x Octane shader+Shapes.c4d)
This file contains the following content:
• 31x Spline Shapes
• 8x Facades, each with 8 variations.
• 174x Signs and Billboards
• 36x Rooftop Objects;
• 30x Ground Elements & Signs
• 6x Low-poly trees and 6x bushes with textures
• Different facade objects like balconies, pillars, railings etc.
• 8x concrete maps (albedo, roughness, normal maps)
• 6x roof maps (albedo, roughness, normal maps)
• 1x 8192x8192px Advertisement/Billboard Texture
Visit my website for more information: www.rennerflorian.de
Thank you!
C4D files (Standard/Octane/Redshift) + Textures maps